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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Electromagnetic Waves!!

By now, you know that electromagnetic waves contain an electric part and a magnetic part.  These parts are called fields and vibrate at right angles to the wave motion.  Why is wireless technology, i.e, cell phones, wireless internet, sensitive to the electric component rather than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves????


  1. I believe that electronics are more sensitive to electric components than magnetic components because of the fact that most electronics use electric components to function instead of use of magnetic components. I also believe so because i think electric waves travel faster than magnetic waves. please correct me if I have made a mistake on the information I have submitted.

  2. I think That The cellphones have parts that causes weird reactions to electrical waves,this can include distortion is sound from cellphones or high pitches noises from things such as walkie talkies or speakers. There is probably no reaction to magnetic waves because there is nothing that the magnetic portion has a direct reaction to in items such as cellphones and wireless internet.

  3. I think technology is sensitive to electric components rather than magnetic components of electromagnetic waves because technology only attracts the electric component rather than the magnetic component. I think technology is built this way and this is why it isn't sensitive to the magnetic components in the electromagnetic wave.

  4. Technology may only attract the electric components, and not the magnetic components. Some cellphones or wireless technology use electric components to work, and not the magnetic components. Some technology like walkie-talkies, cell phones have high pitches, or speakers have distortion of sounds from electric components, but not from magnetic components. They don't have much of a reaction to magnetic waves.
    *Sylvia is Wardah Javid from Class 721

  5. Electromagnetic waves are formed by the vibrations of electric and magnetic fields. These fields are perpendicular to one another in the direction the wave is traveling. Once formed, this energy travels at the speed of light until further interaction with matter.

    Electric field

    Electric fields arise from voltage. An electric field can be present even when a device is switched off. Field strength decreases with distance from the source.Most building materials shield electric fields to some extent.

    Magnetic Field

    Magnetic fields arise from current flows.Magnetic fields exist as soon as a device is switched on and current flows. Field strength decreases with distance from the source. Magnetic fields are not attenuated by most materials

    Electric fields
    Plugging a wire into an outlet creates electric fields in the air surrounding the appliance. The higher the voltage the stronger the field produced. Since the voltage can exist even when no current is flowing, the appliance does not have to be turned on for an electric field to exist in the room surrounding it.

    Magnetic fields
    Magnetic fields are created only when the electric current flows. Magnetic fields and electric fields then exist together in the room environment. The greater the current the stronger the magnetic field. High voltages are used for the transmission and distribution of electricity whereas relatively low voltages are used in the home. The voltages used by power transmission equipment vary little from day to day, currents through a transmission line vary with power consumption.

  6. I think electronic devices are sensitive to the electric components of electromagnetic waves instead of the magnetic components because electronics do not get their energy from the magnetic component. The electric component of the electromagnetic wave transmits energy to the device in order for it to work!

  7. I think electrnic devices are sensitive to electric components of electromegnetic waves instead of megnetic components because most electronics use electro components to function. Also electro components transmit energy faster for the device to work.

  8. Wireless technology is sensitive to the electric component rather than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves Induced EMF, which is a source of energy that can cause a current to flow in an electrical circuit or device.

    **Ahsan -- 721

  9. A magnetic field is a physical field that emerges from an electric charge in motion, producing a force on a moving electric charge. . The strength of the field decreases as the distance from its sources increases. Magnetic fields are derived from current flows.

    An electric field is the electrically charged region of space surrounding an electrically charged body. The strength of the field also decreases as the distance from its sources increases. Electrical fields are derived from voltages.

    Wireless- a term used to describe telecommunications where electromagnetic waves are used (instead of a wire) to carry the signal over part or the entire communication path. Wireless energy transfer or wireless power is the transmission of electrical energy from a power source to an electrical load without the use of wires.

    Due to research, I believe that wireless technology is more sensitive to the electric component rather than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves because the wireless technology may only attract the electric component of the electromagnetic wave. Wireless technology such as phones and wireless Bluetooth use electrical energy to operate. Magnetic components are not necessary for wireless technology to receive its power/energy. Reaction to magnetic components is less than the reaction of the technology to electrical components. The proportion of energy can be critical if it is too low or little for the signal to be able to distinguish between the background noise and the noise that needs to be transmitted. Distortion of sounds can occur because of a nonlinear behavior of electronic components and limited power supply.

    --->Imih Celainne Go <3 =D

  10. A magnetic field is a field of force that is produced by moving electric charges and by the magnetic field of elementary particles, which means it isn't made of smaller particles. There are two magnetic fields, a magnetic B field and a magnetic H field. A magnetic field depends on its direction and magnitude. An electric field surrounds electrically charged particles and magnetic fields. An electric field applies force on any other electrically charged objects. I think wireless technology is sensitive to the electric component rather than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves because wireless technology such as cellphones is made more from electric components rather than magnetic components. This is probably why technology has more of a reaction to electric components like high pitches. Wireless technology uses more of the electric components to work rather than magnetic components which is why wireless technology is sensitive to the electric component rather than the magnetic component. Wireless technology needs electric components in order to operate, rather than magnetic components.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I think wireless technology is sensitive to the electric component rather than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves because wireless technology is made from more eletric components.
    I also think that the electric field has more energy than the magnetic field; therefore, wireless technology is sensitive to the electric component. I also believe that wireless technology is sensitive to the electric component of electromagnetic waves because wireless technolgy uses eletricity to work and when electricity is used there is a stronger reaction to the eletric field.

  13. I think that wireless technology, i.e, cell phones, wireless internet are more sensitive to electric components than magnetic components because these electronics are more attracted to electric components to be used. When we use these electronics they use more of electricity than magnetism. When they are in use they attract energy which the electric components give more of. I also think that electric components travel faster then magnetic component. They might be easier to get connection off of. Also as much as i believe, these wireless items are made from electric components.

    *BY: Monisha Paul 721

  14. You know how some people said that wireless technology doesn't have magnetic field of the electromagnetic waves? I kind of disagree with those people.

    Anyway, I think that wireless technology, i.e, cell phones, wireless internet, sensitive to the electric component rather than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves because usually electronics are made of the electric components. Even thought this devices have a little magnetic field, most of them are electric.

  15. I think that wireless technology, i.e, cell phones, wireless internet are more sensitive to electric component rather than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves because wireless technology is made up of more electric components. Also, I think wireless technology is sensitive to the electric component rather than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves because wireless technology is made from more electric components. I also believe that the electric field has more energy than the magnetic field. As a result, wireless technology is sensitive to the electric component of electromagnetic waves because wireless technolgy uses electricity to work. So, when electricity is used, there is a stronger reaction in the electric field. That is why wireless technology is more sensitive to electric components rather than the magnetic components of electromagnetic waves

  16. Wireless technology is affected electric component instead than the magnetic component of electromagnetic waves due to wireless technology being made out of eletric components.
    In addition, the electric field contains a greater amount of energy than the magnetic field. Due to this, the wireless technology is affected by the electric component. Wireless technology is also affected by the electric component of electromagnetic waves. This is due to the wireless technology that uses eletricity to work. When electricity is used there is a greater effect to the eletric field.

